Painting is My Lifeline

Being brought up by architect-artist parents I was early taught creative procedure, i.e. I have very fond memories of spending hours drawing at the Thorvaldsen Museum and the Glyptotek in Copenhagen, accompanied by my father.


After finishing University ( Psychology and Communication), undertaking a therapist 4-years educational course, and some managerial courses, I tended to my painting in earnest.  So, for years I educated myself by taking part in painting and sculpture courses at well-known artists' studios as well as courses at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen and the Academy in Aarhus.


The core of all my work is and has always been mental and manual  creativity.  It has been combined with my teaching, my therapy sessions, my theraputic coaching, and of course, with my painting. Over the years I have exhibited in various galleries and institutions. Here you are invited to view some of my most recent work in the Galleries.


I am only too pleased should you experience inspiration, pleasure or means of contemplations by looking at them.


If you or your work colleagues feel inclined to arrange a work-related art course or if you yourself should want to experience individual development through coaching sessions, please feel free to contact me.


As most of us are faced with unpredictable changes both in private and at the workplace throughout our adult lives, we constantly have to find means of coping with a turbulent and complex existence.


In my experience art can be a very useful facilitator in such serious situations of life change, functioning as an eye-opener and motivator for every individual and as such create a sound basis for successive learning.


I offer a course in the corporate environment with the aim of breaking down set ways and creating a new flow in the workplace.


My course is based upon the Theory of Flow, founded by the well-known American psychologist Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi; (Flow. The Psychlogy of Optimal Experience).


His theories of Flow, his concept of Flow, and his research into the conditions for Flow have inspired millions of people worldwide making him one of the most influential thinkers within creative innovation.


By means of artistic exercises the participants are led into the creative, energetic, collective flow, which again alerts individual awareness and responsibility.


My courses are held in the workplace, inland as well as abroad.I go to you and offer you results which eventually will show up on the bottom line of your balance sheet.


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